Crazy Bake

Crazy bake is a program involving the mentally ill at their facility just outside of Beijing. Crazy bake’s goal is to improve the patients living conditions by giving the patients a meaningful task that is within their capabilities, while allowing the Beijing Chaoyang District Mental Health Service Center to raise funds for its facility and become more self-sustaining


Crazy Bake
Phone: 13520893273
Monday, 4pm to 6pm: Selling bread and yeast rolls at Embassy House, Beijing
Thursday, 11am to 1pm: Selling pastries and yeast rolls at the German School in Beijing
Friday starting at noon: Selling bread or yeast rolls (switched weekly) at der Kindergarten, Beijing
Donate at: Stadtsparkasse Lengerich BLZ 401 544 76, Konto 523902, key word: crazy bake