What’s the future for Beijing’s Migrant Community?

The Global Institute for Tomorrow and the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy have some ideas, which they will be discussing at a special forum this Friday. Attendance is open to all. You can download the flier here. RSVP for the few remaining spaces.

Participants on the 2011 Global Leaders Module – a component of the annual Senior Management Programme at the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy – are working to produce a set of strategic recommendations for CMC, to aid the organisation in its efforts to create a future and a hope for every migrant child. These recommendations will be presented at the forum and will provide the basis for further discussion around the wellbeing of migrant communities in the region.
The Global Institute For Tomorrow (GIFT), The Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy, and Compassion for Migrant Children (CMC) cordially invite you to join us for an afternoon forum.
Spaces are limited. If you would like to attend please RSVP before July 1, 2011 with your name, organisation, and contact info to Karim Rushdy krushdy@global-inst.com or call +852 3571 8103 for more information.
Asian Perspectives on the Urban Migrant Community
14:30-17:00 on Friday, July 22, 2011 at The Beijing Marriott Hotel Northeast
26A Xiao Yun Road, Chao Yang District, Beijing

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